Pillar Care Opens Wharton Group Home for Adults with Disabilities

The ribbon has been cut for our new Wharton Group Home! It will soon open for four individuals with developmental disabilities to flourish and grow independently. The opening of this home involved the help from many and we’d like to give a huge thank you to everyone that made this happen: New Jersey Department of Developmental Disabilities, New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, Morris County Office of Community Development, Mayor William Chegwidden and the Borough of Wharton, and John Crimi.

Tommy Do, Jasmine Tirado, Sheri Fine, Amy Scartocci, Mayor William Chegwidden, Councilman Tom Yeager, John Crimi, Councilman Robert Norton, David Bishop, and Luciano Bruni stand behind a ribbon, ready to open the Wharton Group Home
(Left to right) Tommy Do, Jasmine Tirado, Sheri Fine, Amy Scartocci, Mayor William Chegwidden, Councilman Tom Yeager, John Crimi, Councilman Robert Norton, David Bishop, and Luciano Bruni

About the Home

Pillar Care group homes provide individuals with disabilities the support they need to live more independently and offer family members reassurance that their loved ones have a safe, comfortable and enjoyable place to live. Each resident has their own room that they can personalize to their liken and make the space their home. The homes are staffed 24/7 by support professionals that work to empower residents and encourage them to participate in community events or explore personal interest.

To learn more about Pillar Care’s Residential Services, visit: https://pillarnj.org/services/residential-services/
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